Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Lets start off with the numbers. I have 6.75ccs in my 10cc band and I'm down a total of 31.5lbs since my pre-opt diet at 272 on 5/10/12.

Ok, so I had a .4cc unfill on 9/4/12. When I went for my unfil, I was up 2lbs, so now I'm down 3.5lbs.

For national Talk Like a Pirate Day, if you dressed like a pirate you got a free dozen glaze doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. So this morning we dress my 18 month old up as a pirate and collected the bounty plus 3 additional free doughnuts.

Here is what I learned today. Doughnuts in the morning (ya know, when your tighter than normal) is not a good idea. I did not get stuck but there was the ever so awesome slimming...... and since we were on the road to the babysitters, I decided to spit out of the window (I wasn't driving) which landed on the back sit window (yuck) at least I was nice enough to not spit in my husbands cup. 

It has been a rough few weeks. On the food front it could have been worse. I'm down, so that's awesome! I'm working out more. By the way, I didn't go through with my 2 mile walk. After the lose of my friend and some other things, I just wanted to stay home and clean. I'm looking at 5ks coming up in the area.


  1. You are doing awesome!!

    Ick to the sliming...I haven't had that lovely experince yet, I'm sure it's coming!

  2. What is the slimming?? Have not experienced that yet...

    1. The only real way to explain slimming is this. When you feel the food item not going down like normal, but there really isn't any pain (like being stuck), and your waiting for the food to continue it's journey and you don't want to eat more or take a drink cause you know you’re going to be in trouble if you do. Then your saliva glands kick into over drive and you end up with fluid in your mouth that needs to go somewhere, but you cannot swallow it because it will make the problem worse, so you spit it out and eventually the food item makes it the rest of its journey down the hole.

  3. My first bad stuck was from a warm glazed doughnut.
